Ultrasonic Cleaners are used in a huge range of industries to effectively clean a range of different products including, jewellery , optical parts, dental and surgical instruments, tools, fishing reels, firearms, car fuel injectors, musical instruments, industrial parts and lots more. We have been approached by a customer who wanted an efficient & effective way of cleaning his Golf Clubs, he has opted for an Ultrasonic Cleaner and hasn’t looked back since!
Using our Ultra Plus Cleaning Solution in the Ultrasonic Cleaner gives the Golf Clubs a brand new look, as if they were just brought from the shops. Within minutes, you have a set of Golf Clubs which look brand new, and what’s even better is that this cleaning process is completely safe and will not damage your Golf Clubs in any way. Now it’s time to get your swing ready and take to the course with your shiny set of Golf Clubs

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